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Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 21:19:10 -1000 (HST)
From: Dennis Pierce <dpierce@al*.ne*>
To: gmiiii@in*.co*
Subject: Re: 10 Best @ Rebreather 2.0
Aloha to all, sorry for the delay on getting back to this post, M2 and I
were jumping out of a king air all day, just didn't seem important enough
to miss the first load...


george, dude did i hit a hot spot that i didn't know about, i was writing
about a discussion that you and i had about a year ago concerning the
value of my tdi rebreather instructor trainer certification... if you
will remember i agreed with you that it was a joke and i said i'd make
you a copy of one with your name on it for fun.  you said that would be
fun.. i just forgot to do it.  i was serious when i asked if you wanted it
xin color or black and white (kinkos does wonders now days).  hell, i
didn't want to piss you off, i mean i think you are a real dick head here
on the forum but i know you're really a nice guy and one of the best
divers on the planet, i mean that trey.  i was just making a joke about
the  subject of instructor trainers that don't have any experience.
actually agreeing with  you.... is there something you are not telling us
that would explain why you went so ballistic??  

what pissed you off?    when have i been self righteous? you must be
talking about someone else, i think i am quite humble for being the best
instructor on the planet.

and as far as experience, now george, you know i have my share of all of
the above (except cave), including rebreather, dives...  btw, when was the
last time <you> dived a rebreather?  :-)  the only difference i see is
that i am doing the dives and  you are talking about it.

btw, who is this jt guy that's licking your ass, besides being an idiot
he's getting on my nerves and that's hard to do, next time you see him
slap the shit out of him for me, i'm  sure he'd like it better coming from
you.  i know he's not one of your team,  alot of people here think you are
an ass hole, i've tried to convince them otherwise but you continue to
make that a difficult task, but i am sure of one thing, you have class..
and this guy doesn't even know what it means so he wouldn't qualify for
your dive team.  

that's all for now, except i really want you (george) to know that i was
just making a point that i agree that the instructor trainer cards some
agencies are handing out are ridiculous and that we all have a long way
to go.  if  you took that wrong, or i hit a nerve i apologize (sincerely)
because i respect you.  i don't however like the constant puke that you
put out over this list.. it has degraded intensely in the last year.
and that is a damn shame.  hell, you guys almost have me lowering my self
to the depths of scumdom...  

wish i could figure out what it is that makes some people turn to
blubbering idiots and rude fuckwads when they can hide behind a keyboard.

and as for the stupid ass remarks about M2, he uses force fins you dumb
shit, no doubt you've ever dived with him.

as far as the ignorant remark from jt about my shop, you can come see it
any time you want.. course i'd kick your ass when i saw your face so you
have to decide if it's worth it...  


On Tue, 1 Oct 1996 gmiiii@in*.co* wrote:

>  Instant replay - do not copy me on bullshit . Dennis, if you want to start 
> something wtih me, you better check with the assholes whose heads I will blow 
> clean off along with yours, first, and then decide if your self-righteous 
> indignation is worth the body count I will promise you on this one. 
> <---- Begin Forwarded Message ---->
> From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
> Subject: Re: 10 Best @ Rebreather 2.0 
> To: Dennis Pierce <dpierce@al*.ne*>
> Cc:
>  Dennis, leave me out of your mindless bullshit. When yo do anything with a 
> rebreather , besides jerk off over it, I will pay attention ( that goes for 
> scuba , too). If you want to criticze me, asshole, then you ened to have a
> to stand on - you do not, so go fuck yourself. 
>  The rest of you officious weenies need to get a rebreaether, dive with it,
> then run your big mouths, dispensing advice and information. The absolute
> is that you either do not know what the fuck you are talking about , or you
> the balls to step up and pet the pony.
>  I see Hazeltine has taken time out from his adive to gays to now give 
> rebreather advice, deco advice, and other advice. When he does a dive that 
> requires more than a bathing suit, I will listen. 
>  There is a list for idoits like you at Brown University  - all of you need
> go over there with the world's greatest engineer with no practical
> and slober all over each other there.
>   Again, leave me out of these discussions or read shit like this every time.
> G
> --
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> <----  End Forwarded Message  ---->
> George M. Irvine III
> 1400 SE 11 ST Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316
> 954-493-6655 FAX 6698
> Email gmiiii@in*.co*
> --
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