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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 16:06:55 -0700
Subject: Re: Some recent deep dive push in French Caves
To: Frederic Badier <badier@cl*.do*.sl*.co*>
Cc: cavers@ge*.co*,
  Frederic, thanks for the info - too cold for me. The Italian is a stud, the 
way I read the dive report. Send him over, too, with Ducklips. -G

On Tue, 10 Sep 1996, Frederic Badier <badier@cl*.do*.sl*.co*> wrote:
>Yes Luigi Casati had to surface between the sumps and to carry the
>equipment, like I did in Marnade but with a 5 hours surface interval. 
>I don't really understand what a stud is, probably because I am french.
>Yourself are you a stud? Your answer may help me to understand the meaning
>I don't now about Buchaly, Is it the german lake diver who dived to 200m
>using a commercial decompression software? I never heard that he was also a
>crazy cave diver. Anyway It is more than difficult to obtain a diving
>authorization in Fontaine de Vaucluse especially for foreigner who wants to
>break the records... but may be i can arrange something for you but remenber
>the water is cold compare to Florida and you may end up with blue ducklips :-()
>About J.P. Imbert tables, i will ask him about duration. May be he
>develloped two set of tables, one for the americans and one for the frenchs,
>then he will compare the results on his guinea pigs... 
>Hoppefully  most of the dives menionned in my post  were performed on sunday 
>About Olivier Isler, I think he did contact you about a possible visit with
>the intermediary of my friend Yann Chevolot. So I am sure he is aware about
>Weenieland and your view.
>Safe Diving 
>At 11:26 AM 11/9/96 +0000, you wrote:
>> Frederic, did the Italian guy have to get out of the water at each sump?
>>If so,
>>this guy is a stud. I know Isler, and he is a tough one, but this is nuts. How
>>about Buchaly? He is diving the Vacluse, is he not? By the way, I have a set 
>>JP Imbert's tables, and these guys must be folding them over and doing them
>>twice. 450 for 20 is a 3 1/2 hour deco at most, and only on Saturday. On 
>>it may only get two hours. Isler must have a set of blue ducklips after that
>>deco - tell him to get out of weenieland and come dive with us - G
>>George M. Irvine III
>>1400 SE 11 ST Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316
>>954-493-6655 FAX 6698
>>Email gmiiii@in*.co*
>Frederic BADIER
>Dowell Schlumberger
>Schlumberger Riboud Product Centre
>26 rue de la cavee (BP 202); 92142 Clamart Cedex, France
>Tel   :  (33) 1 45 37 20 00  Switchboard
>Tel   :  (33) 1 45 37 20 41  Direct Line
>Fax   :  (33) 1 45 37 25 13
>Sinet :  badier@cl*.do*.sl*.co* (or DSA::BADIER)

George M. Irvine III
1400 SE 11 ST Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316
954-493-6655 FAX 6698
Email gmiiii@in*.co*

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