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Date: Fri, 28 Jun 1996 20:39:34 -0700
From: "G. M. I. III" <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: Re: Pressed Steel 104
To: Dave Mabry <dmabry@mi*.co*>
Cc: cavers@ge*.co*,

On Fri, 28 Jun 1996, Dave Mabry <dmabry@mi*.co*> wrote:
>Hi George,

>I have a few of questions if you don't mind.
>1)  In your "doing it right" tape, you show a tire inner tube inside the 
>wings over the bladder.  Does it run the entire length of the bladder?

        This is actually Lamar Hire's idea, and it works perfectly. Cover as 
much as you can with the inner tube, but do not restrict the bladder, just 
protect it
>2)  How high of pressure do you feel comfortable filling the 104s to?
       You don't get much benefit past about 3500 due to the way the gas 
compresses (or fails to). The tanks can be filled until the valve unscrews 
itself and blows off, about 10,000 psi. I do not like to stress the regs, 
either. Make sure you plug the burst disks
>3)  The bungee you mention to hold the power inflator to the shoulder 
>strap, how is that done?  With that, can you still lift the hose enough 
>to dump the wings?
           Put the bungee in like a d-ring, with the d-ring in the same space. 
Whip it or tie wrap it to itself, hiding that part under the webbing. You can 
still pull the thing up to vent it. look at the video, you will see us do it-
almost looks like the vent is on the shoulder

>4)  Is there a good number to call Jarod to arrange an Intro Cave 
>classe?  I've tried a number that Carl Heinzl gave me a few times but 
>got no return call.  I'd prefer to call during the day, but evening is 
>ok if he's more available.

            352-378-6435 - just don't schedule anything on weekends that I am 
diving with him. - G 
>Feel free to post this to the list if you think others would be 
>interested.  Take care.
>Dave Mabry     dmabry@mi*.co*
>Great Lakes Maritime Institute
>Underwater Research Team

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