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Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 15:21:22 -0700
From: "G. M. I. III" <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: Re: Bret on pPO2
To: caccioly@co*.ri*.co*.br* (Carlos Arruda Accioly),
 I wrote it. I had just sent Tom a private email, and when I though I switched 
back to an artificial address, I dropped his address into my return field. All 
of my messages after that went out as Tom Mount. Clearly , this is my opinion, 
not Tom's . You can see that it has Tom't return, and my original . He must not 
have gotten the original, and now I see that it may even be the wrong address 
itself. I was writing to Peter hazeltine, not Mount.

On Thu, 27 Jun 1996, caccioly@co*.ri*.co*.br* (Carlos Arruda Accioly) wrote:
>What's going on here? No way Tom wrote this. It's not his style, his opinions, 
>or even his vocabulary!
>Of course it's a fake post. But what's really amazing is that it looks like
>someone did this to make it look like George faked it.
>Gee... This fake post mania is really getting out of hand...
>Carlos    8^)
>> Peter, how can you post this crap on here? We all know that the NOAA and
>>oxygen tables are bullshit, and that if TDI had a single person in its 
>>of strokes and wannabeess that ever did a real dive, they would know it ,
>>  Pete, you can not teach a pig to sing, and you can not fix stupid.
>>diving long ago sorted this out, and only a stroke like Gilliam would suggest 
>>diving a hot PPO@ int he first place. 
>>   What happens when your 45 minute dive at 1.6 ppo2 turns into a 90 minute 
>>dive when a scooter fails? Well, do you know, Bret? OBVIOUSLY NOT, or he
>>not be making such a buffooon of himself in writing. 
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