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Date: Mon, 10 Jun 1996 23:27:23 -0700
From: George Irvine <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: Re: Bret Gilliam on a *safe* pPO2
To: "Peter N.R. Heseltine" <heseltin@hs*.us*.ed*>,
Cc: Bernie Woolfrey <woolfrey@oz*.co*.au*>,
     Carl Heinzl
     Chris Parrett ,
     Pierce ,
     Harold Gartner ,
     Huggins ,
     Mike Cochran ,
     Richard Ramsden ,
     Mike Pratt
 Pete, without repeating that abject stupidity you quoted, suffice it to say 
that you are correct in questioning this kind of crap. NOAA and the Navy Manual 
are some pretty worthles places to look for PPO2 exposure information. ( guess 
by Bret's own logic, maybe we should have a close look at one of the Navy's 300 
feet for 300 minutes on air tables.) 

Pete, you can't teach a pig to sing. Go to the commercial diving material I 
suggested for his information. The agencies are not in the business of anything 
other than taking money from wannabees, and leaving them with nothing but their 
lapengas in their hands, which at least weould be amusing if it were not for
seriousness of the game. 

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