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From: "David Norton (Volt Comp)" <a-davnor@MI*.co*>
To: "'harpaj@ee*.bh*.ac*.uk*'" <harpaj@ee*.bh*.ac*.uk*>,
     "''" ,
     "'George Irvine'"
Subject: RE: Deco mix
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 16:04:45 -0700

>From: 	George Irvine[SMTP:gmiiii@in*.co*]
>Sent: 	Thursday, May 23, 1996 9:50 AM
>To: 	harpaj@ee*.bh*.ac*.uk*;
>Subject: 	Re: Deco mix
>  The oxygen "window" is the determinant, and the delivery gas is
>important in 
>that  it must not cause other problems, like narcosis in the argon and
>the fact 
>that the molecule is huge.

>> The determent of what????

> Don't pay even the slightest 
attention to what the agencies say 
>> Come, on.  Use the best information available to you.  Standards in
the agencies exist to give people trained by those agencies a baseline
that can be trusted.  Don't undermine training that gives people a
shot of surviving deep diving.  But I guess we could just allow a free
for all and kill lots more divers.

>David Norton
>Microsoft Interactive Media Travel Products - Database Test Lead
>IANTD Adv Nitrox
>PADI   Divemaster

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