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Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 10:04:10 -0700
From: George Irvine <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: Re: narcosis
To: "Randall D. Johnson" <rjohnson@uo*.uo*.ed*>,
 This is the best. She must have been diving "Devil's Eye", or Devils Den. This 
is not unusual. In fact this happens all of the time. Look at what has
to other who dive at this location. Soon they are displaying a demonic
of shitty gear, transformer packs, oand other horrible strokery. 

 Seriously,  the other thing is that if you dive deep on air, the odds of brain 
damage are high, especially with any PFO, and that is likely what has happened 
to your friend. Get a MRI brain scan , and see if there are lesions. - G 

On Fri, 24 May 1996, "Randall D. Johnson" <rjohnson@uo*.uo*.ed*> wrote:
>Dear technos,
>The recent threat on narcosis reminded me of something. This *is* a 
>serious question although I do not blame you if it sounds like a spoof. 
>The situation is this: About 8 months ago I got my girlfriend  of two 
>years into diving. We have been on no deco dives together but I have 
>taken her on 
>some relatively deep dives for a novice (120 fsw). The unusual thing is 
>that soon after these deeper dives she developed a lingering malaise of 
>sorts which has now progressed into a situation which is more closely 
>related to demonic possession! She has been to a doctor and therapist 
>looking for answers but doesn't know what has happenned in her life to 
>bring about such a huge and dramatic emotional shift. 
>Anyway, I remember reading an article where someone was found to be bent 
>but suffered from acute anxiety rather than joint pain, etc. I laughed it 
>off as being a pretty silly idea to be "mentally bent" from diving. BUT 
>NOW, as I am grasping at straws, I thought that I would ask if there is 
>any precedence for a malady such as this. 
>Please respond personally and do not get into the "what's a beginner 
>doing at 120 fsw" silliness.
>   | Dr. Randall Johnson              | Email  : rjohnson@uo*.uo*.ed*    |
>            Choral Conductor / Treasure Hunter / Wreck Diver
>   | University of Guam/Music Dept.   | Coordinates:   13.5N ,  144.7E    |
>   | UOG Station                      | Time   : GMT+10    EST+15         |
>   | Mangilao, Guam USA 96923                                             |
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