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Date: Sun, 19 May 1996 19:52:02 -0700
From: George Irvine <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: Re: Posiedon Regs
To: "Eric Zimmerman (BIO)" <ezimmerm@ch*.ca*.us*.ed*>,
  Why don't you try just rigging you r gear properly to start with, rather than 
 dreaming up fixes for a bad rig. ?

On Fri, 17 May 1996, "Eric Zimmerman (BIO)" <ezimmerm@ch*.ca*.us*.ed*> wrote:
>	I use the cyklons on deco, especially when it is long deco and
>  	I have to hold on to all my gear, because of the left/right
>	capability-EZ
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