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From: <Emily.Lattela@ao*.co*>
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 18:25:55 -0700
Subject: Re: Breast Feeding Whilst Diving
To: calumser@wi*.co*.uk* (C.Whitelaw / S.Arif),
  What's all this I hear about breast feeding "whilst" diving? Eight months old 
is too young to dive, with or without breast feeding. It is hard enough just to 
dive for a child that age without having to "share" milk at the same time. Get 
her a bottle to dive with, and breast feed her on the boat. Besides, in bad vis 
you don't want your teats flapping in the breeze - you may end up with a nurse 
shark all over you, or a spondine. - Emily

On Sat, 13 Apr 1996, calumser@wi*.co*.uk* (C.Whitelaw / S.Arif) wrote:
>Does anyone or has anyone out there, ever taken advise on the matter of
>whether or not it is safe to go diving whilst breast feeding. No funny
>answers now !
>I have a 8 month old daughter, who is still being breast fed and wish to
>return to scuba diving within the next few weeks, and would like to hear
>anyones comments or experiences.
>Serena Arif (Scotland)
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