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Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 13:47:38 GMT
From: Neil Kingsbeer <Neil@td*.de*.co*.uk*>
To: JimH720113@ao*.co*
Subject: Re: Re: DR.X safety factor
In reply to your request , i am not sure from your message if you want Abyss or 

Contact chris@ab*.co* for download address for Abyss. I have it somewhere, 
but i cannot lay my hands on it in my filing system at the moment...if you have 
 problem, let me know and i'll look further.

I am not sure if DrX is available since the tragic loss of Sheck, but there are 
a lot of copies around. Anyone Know if it is officially available?

Best wishes, 

Julian Bottomer
In your message dated Sunday 24, March 1996 you wrote :
> could i please get a complimentary copy to review? 
> tanks,
> Jim Haberski
> Technical Services Manager
> Dcaor Corporation
> 161 Northfield Road
> Northfield, Il  60093
> U.S.A.

Neil Kingsbeer

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