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Date: Fri, 15 Mar 96 09:28:35
From: "DYER, BILL" <BILL.DYER@mi*.co*.uk*>
Subject: Re[2]: Cold Water Reg choice

IMO, the Poseidon Jetstream (Odin) or the Oceanair (Thor) are not good for
offering to an OOA diver.  The purge is too violent and may make the victim

If you use them, it is important that your dive buddy is familiar with using
these regs.

As far as flooding is concerned, you have to invert the mouthpiece when you
take it out of your mouth anyway, or the hydrostatic pressure within the
housing sets off a free-flow (even with de-sensitizing switch in the "minus"
I never have a problem taking a flooded Odin, as long as I have half a lung full
of air to blow it out.  You must remember to tilt the diaphragm down though, or
some water will not get expelled.

IMO the normal design of 2nd stage like the G250 is much more trouble free
for giving to an OOA buddy.

I use two Jetstreams in fresh water at 2-3 degC at the moment, and have never
had a freeze problem.  Ice chunks can occur if the 2nd stage diaphragm has
dirt under it.  I don't get ice chunks from my breath alone.
It takes some severe purging to ice up the 2nd stage to free-flow.
(The 1st stage spring chambers are sealed with glycerin fluid).


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