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Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 16:21:36 -0800
From: "George M. Irvine III" <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: Re: Enough of this PGP nonsense
To: "Richard Wackerbarth" <rkw@da*.ne*>,
     "Rick Sankey"
Cc: "Cave DIving List" <cavers@ge*.co*>
  I do not know about the rest of you, but this idiot Wakerbarth has crossed
line now. For the first time, I think it is time Carl Heinzl removed this 
offensive slob fom the list. He has nothing to contribute, and now the racial 
slurs are more than I will put up with.

  Richard, don't bother posting to any list - I will be on you each time.

  - G

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