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Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 09:09:16 EST
From: BDCY36A@pr*.co* ( CHARLES BADOIAN)
Subject: Survey Techniques
This has been forwarded with permission from Mr. Gron.

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From:	 Ole Gron
Subject:	      Survey Techniques
Date:	 02/16
Time:	 05:59 PM

Date:             Fri, 16 Feb 1996 21:23:39 PST
From:     Ole Gron  [ccc7466@vi*.cy*.dk*]
Sender:   Underwater Archaeology Discussion List
          [Underwater Archaeology Discussion List]
Reply-To: ccc7466@vi*.cy*.dk*  [ccc7466@vi*.cy*.dk*]
Subject:       Survey Techniques

Modern Archaeological Survey Techniques

Summary of a meeting held at the
Centre for Maritime Archaeology
National Museum of Denmark
March 20, 1995

Organizer: Ole Gron

Three subjects were highlighted:
A)      Acoustic systems
B)      The use of ROVs
C)      Radar techniques.

1. Introduction by Ole Gron.

The basic intention of the meeting was to create a forum for debate 
exchange of experiences between archaeological users, and the 
scientists and
engineers. It was proposed that meetings should last no longer than 
one day
because of the problem of finding time to attend longer conferences. 
It was
also suggested that meetings should be held every second year, and 
that it is
important to have a good meal in the evening since this is where 
contacts are
made. The initial meeting was restricted to participants from North 
Europe but future meetings may be extended to cover a wider 
geographic area.

It was suggested that a group of  4 - 5 technicians and 
archaeologists should
collect information about archaeological survey equipment and methods.
group would study availability, cost, and performance, and then 
the results to all the other participants. This arrangement could be
exploited to improve the chances of access to new equipment so that 
it can be
tested and evaluated for archaeological purposes on behalf of the 

2. An evaluation of different types of acoustic penetration equipment 
archaeological survey by Ole Gron.

My job is at the moment to develop archaeological survey strategies 
for the
prehistoric and present-day coastal zone of Denmark. Due to the fact 
most of the interesting archaeological structures in this area are 
located in
extremely shallow water, it is logical to base such a strategy on 
boats. Ideally these should be easily transported on a trailer and 
have an
enclosed cabin to help protect electronic equipment. Precise 
navigation is
necessary to be able to relocate anomalies recorded during survey. 
This is
obtained by using DGPS satellite-navigation which allows us to 
operate with a
precision of about 11m. A basic problem we have is how to sail slowly 
to obtain good horizontal resolution. The optimum speed is a few
metres/minute but, at such slow speeds, most small boats are very 
to control.

A basic rule of acoustic penetration is that the higher the frequency,
better the resolution and the worse the penetration, whereas the 
lower the
frequency, the worse the resolution but the better the penetration. 
archaeological survey with single frequency equipment a normal 
compromise is
about 30 kHz.

The strategy chosen has been to start the seismic survey on known 
well-recorded artificial structures and cultural layers, and to 
observe how
they are represented on the various types of equipment. In Haderslev 
there are two well known defensive blockades, 'F Lei' embedded in a 
bottom and 'Magrethes Bro' in a more sandy bottom.

A CHIRP II system, sweeping from 2-23 kHz to produce an optimal 
between penetration and resolution, (price 60-70.000$) gave a very 
picture of 'F Lei', whereas 'Magrethes Bro' could not be seen clearly.
problem was that the boat's speed was too high due to a large motor 
used. A similar CHIRP system was used to follow what seems to be the
continuation of a known culture layer 1.5m below the top of the 
bottom at the
partly excavated old stone age site Blak in Roskilde Fjord. 
Experiments have
shown that this system can be operated in only 30-40 cm of water with 
penetration of sediments.

A 30 kHz Knudsen sediment-echosounder (price 20.000$) produced a 
good picture of 'F Lei' but was not able to show 'Magrethes Bro'.

A 30 kHz Elac sediment-echosounder (price 30.000$), produced a 
good picture of 'F Lei' whereas 'Magrethes Bro' could not be seen 
clearly. It
produced a lot of multiple images which in some places made the 
difficult to interpret. However the Elac echosounder was used 
successfully to
distinguish structures looking like the single posts of a known 
Viking Age
bridge in Ravinge Enge. These were located in the bottom of an 
lake at an operating speed of 2m/minute. An unknown structure 
parallel to the
bridge was also observed. Unfortunately it has not yet been possible 
to test
other systems here for comparison. At the Blak locality in Roskilde 
where the CHIRP system achieved good penetration, it proved 
impossible to
penetrate the sediments with the Elac system. This was probably due 
to the
rather sandy sediments.

A standard 28 kHz Furuno echosounder (price 7.000$), was used to test 
difference between this and the specialized penetration-systems 
available. 'F
Lei' could be distinguished but not with a resolution sufficient for
professional work. The surveys of 'F Lei' showed that 2 people 
working on a
small boat were able to record the outline of the structure in 4 
hours and
reveal details not observable by divers.

A lightweight 370 kHz Imaginex sidescan (price 20.000$) was used in 
Fjord to study wooden constructions visible on the bottom. This was
especially successful with 'F Lei' where a series of horizontal logs 
exposed. The equipment was also successfully used to record the 
trunks and
stumps of trees from submerged Stone Age forests.

3. Archaeological survey in the Eckernfvrde by Svnke Hartz, Harald 
L|bke and
Gerd Hoffmann.

The project was started in 1994 as a collaboration between the 
Institute for
Marine Geology (GEOMAR), Kiel, the Archaeological Museum 
(Landesmuseum) in
Kiel, and the Institute for Electronics, Rostock. The aim is to 
anthropogenic sediments from the natural ones in the Holocene 
deposits from
the last 7000 years. The research area is the western part of the 
Kieler Bay
and the project mainly deals with the Stone Age Cultures in this area.
studies were supplemented by limited investigations in the hinterland 
record the pattern of presence and absence of a human population 
during the
same period.

In the marine areas the following techniques were used:
1)      Sidescan
2)      Sediment-echosounder (or a boomer in areas of deeper 
3)      Analysis of cores combined with X-ray analysis
4)      Pollen analysis
5)      Dinoflagellats (as an indicator of salinity from North Sea 
in the bay      environment)

The project also involved survey in the coastal areas of Schleswig-
for submerged settlements from the Ertebolle Culture. Systematic 
has until now only been carried out on one site, but several others 
have been
located in this area by dredgers.

In the future it is planned to combine excavations of Ertebolle sites 
contain preserved culture layers with detailed geological analysis of 
and peat layers. In this way it should be possible to reconstructthe
prehistoric landscape in the rese arch area.

4. The development of an acoustic penetration device by Wolf Dieter 

The University of Rostok has been working with acoustics in sediments 
water since 1970. In connection with a climate research programme
investigations have been carried out in the North Sea, the Baltic and 
in a
number of deep sea basins of relevance for the research programme.

In collaboration with Dr. Willi Kramer from Landesamt f|r Vor- und
Fruhgeschichte, Schleswig, the University of Rostock has been 
involved in
archaeological surveys with the echosounder-system SEL-93 developed 
Rostock. Its frequencies are 5, 10 and 20 kHz. Originally it was 
for work in deeper waters but at the moment it is being
modified for shallow water operations . Experience has shown that in 
summer weather the development of gases in the sediments can 
seriously reduce
the effectiveness of the instrument. However with this equipment it 
possible to locate a wreck covered by sediments and not detectable 
sidescan. In the Schlei has it has also been possible to
locate a submerged prehistoric island covered by sediments.

5. Postprocessing of sidescan data by Henning Christoffersen.

This is a Windows-based system for digital postprocessing of sidescan 
Using this data in combination with precise navigation (DGPS) it is 
to produce high resolution maps of the seabed. It can also be used to 
photographic images of wrecks and other structures or to produce 
information about the character of the seabed including particle size,

vegetation etc.

The program has an automatic facility for distinguishing between 
objects in
the area. This application has been developed for the military to 
distinguish between mines and stones, but the facility may also be 
interest to archaeologists.

To obtain good sonar images, especially from digital systems, it is 
advantage to use heavy sidescan fish because they are more stable in 
water and do not pitch.

6.  The use of sidescan and ROV's for archaeological survey by Bert

In recent years archaeological survey has been carried out in Sweden 
by a
group organized by The Maritime Museum in Stockholm. In the past the 
was on coastal areas, whereas this year the investigations will 
on the big lake, Vdneren. In the period 1970-1980 we used a Klein 
with 100 and 500 kHz, but now we use an EG&G system combined with

A number of organisations collaborated to buy an ROV. The Technical
highschools in Gothenburg and Stockholm, the Board of West Coast 
and the Maritime Museum in Stockholm are now jointly involved in the 
'Sea Owl
Project'. The ROV can be positioned at all angles and attitudes and 
is a good camera platform for making photo mosaics, but the vehicle 
can be
equipped in numerous other ways. With the CAT-option, a sonar 
device, the exact position of the vehicle can be controlled so that 
its grid
co-ordinate within an area can be defined

7. The use of ROV's by Dag Nfvestad.

Archaeological survey had to be undertaken in connection with the
construction of a bridge over Oslo Fjord, where the water is up to 70 
m deep
and currents can reach 4-5 knots. In co-operation with the Swedish
consortium, a survey was undertaken using their 'Sea Owl' equipped 
with a
Mesotech sonar and the CAT system for positioning. Compared to
traditional surveys based on visual inspection by divers this system 
cheaper and faster.

8) Survey by ROV's by Paal Nymoen, Svein Kristiansen and Frederik 

On two sites have underwater-archaeological surveys been carried out 
as a
collaboration between The Departments of Marine Technology and 
Archaeology at
the University of Trondheim.

The one site is a Medieval harbour at the mouth of Trondheim Fjord, 
the other
a russian wreck located partly on shallow water and partly 300 m deep.

In 1994 the ROV was equipped with a Mesotech sonar for investigation 
anomalies that might be parts of the russian wreck. The result 
indicates that
this is a quite successful approach.

A HYBALL ROV has been bought for future investigations and has been 
with cameras and sonars. A frame built ROV is being developed 
specially for
marine archaeological purposes.

9 Marius, an autonomous underwater vehicle by Anders Bjerrum.

This vehicle was developed in 1991-1994 as part of the MAST I 
programme of
the European Community. The vehicle is equipped with its own 
batteries and
on-line video. It can operate as an autonomous unit navigating and 
obstacles by a RESON multibeam sonar, and other navigation systems 
can be
applied. It can also be operated by cable from a ship or
by acoustic communication from a ship or a seabed station. Almost any 
kind of
application can be mounted on the vehicle.

10. The technology employed on the 'Kronan' project by Lars Einarsson.

Sidescan and ROV's have been used in the investigation of the wreck 
of the
'Kronan' located near Oland, Sweden. Future plans involve survey 
using this
equipment in other locations along the Swedish coast. The Klein 
operates at 100 and 500 kHz and cost 75.000$, in future it is planned 
connect it to DGPS and a Track-point II system for precise
location of the data recovered.

The ROV is a 'PHANTOM 300' costing 75.000$ with video, camera and 
included. The advantage of this model is the low weight of 25 kg and 
the low
price of spare parts. The disadvantage is that it is as sensitive to 
as most other ROV's.

The experience has shown that the use of sidescan and ROV has reduced 
diving time necessary. By improving our knowledge of an area before
excavation starts, sampling and diving can be better planned.

11. Experiences with DGPS positioning by Martin Dean.

The Archaeological Diving Unit's 'ROV' is a diver supplied with air 
from the
surface and wearing a KM 27b helmet equipped with a Hi-8 video camera.
clear voice communication and broadcast quality video allow for the
collection of visual data, together with the ability for the diver to 
specific details with other archaeologists on the surface. The
ADU is soon to experiment with a variety of software to try to 
capture video
images and then take survey measurements from them.

One of the ADU's tasks is to check the position of archaeological 
sites for
legal protection. Until recently horizontal sextant angles were used 
to plot
positions but over the last few years we have been using Navstar GPS 
(2800$) which displays the position error calculated to ARMS.

As a stand-alone unit errors of up to 100m can be regularly recorded, 
with our own base station and radio modem link (another 2800$ + 
4900$) we
have been able to reduced the error to about 5m. Unfortunately due 
restrictions on the power of the radio link, the base station has to 
be set
up within 3 km of the working area.

Since 1993 the ADU has used a commercially available differential 
correction signal based on selected lighthouses in British waters. 
Scorpio DGPS system requires a decoding receiver (800$) and a chip 
unscramble the signal (1500$ for three year s). This gives an 
accuracy down
to 4m although when working off areas like the west coast of
Scotland, both satellite and the differential correction signals can 
masked by the mountainous topography.

12. Radar detection of sub-surface structures from planes and 
satellites by
Preben Gudmandsen.

The title of this paper has been changed into 'What do we believe we 
can do
with radar observations'.

Until now no archaeological structures have been located by this 
A picture of the Gudme area made by airborne 5.3 gHz radar shows that 
it is
difficult to penetrate the surface. This is because of vegetation and 
humidity of the soil which gives a high loss within the upper few 
penetrated. Some years ago surveys were made on the Greenland ice-cap 
60-300 mHz equipment. Because the signal loss is limited in ice, it 
possible to measure its thickness in this way.

A summary of the technology behind the penetration radar systems and 
problems related to their applications was given. Since radar waves 
penetrate water even with a very restricted salinity (except under 
special circumstances) radar will not be suited for marine surveys.

13. The use of radar survey in archaeology by Finn Ole Nielsen.

The title of this presentation has been changed to 'What might a 

High quality conventional air-photos are available from many areas, 
but where
there is a high clay content in the soil the chances of detecting 
structures are minimal, whereas on more sandy soils prehistoric sites 
often be observed because of differces in the crop growth between 
disturbed and undisturbed areas.

Since penetration of clay is also a problem to radar, we cannot 
expect this
technology to broaden the area where observations can be made. 
Possibly radar
technology will make a more detailed observation of differences in 
the crops

14. The use of georadar (Ground Penetration Radar) in archaeology by 

Georadars can be pulled by car or carried by hand depending on how 
much power
they use and consequently how heavy they are.

A number of profiles made by georadar were shown, with the deepest
penetration being 30m. Sand is the best material for penetration 
whereas clay
is the worst. Due to the potential for georadar-work a sandy area in
north-western Jutland was chosen to reconstruct the development of a
landscape through the last 5000 years. The formation of the present 
involves tectonics as well as aeolian and fluvial erosion and 
of material.

Scientists have for some time discussed whether the 'Sloj'-channel in 
Viking Age could have connected the Aggersborg fortification directly 
the North Sea. Several profiles proved the existence of such a 
filled by aeolean sand. A date for the time that the channel was 
closed can
hopefully be obtained through the planned boring programme
in the area.

In archaeology georadars can be used: for mapping geological 
phenomena in
areas dominated by sand, and thus in reconstruction of the 
conditions and the living conditions (problems with sand dunes 
fields, locating possible sailing routes and farming areas etc.) for 
non-destructive sections through linear features such as defence 
dykes, channels, moats, roads and plough tracks below the dunes. to 
how far it is reasonable to extrapolate data from point sources (e.g.


15. New survey methods - new fields of archaeology by Willi Kramer.

Survey with a low frequency sidescan (100 kHz) and a short range DGPS 
has been carried out over the last three years. An eighth-century 
blockade of log built wooden boxes was used for the testing of new 
methods such as the SEL- 93 sediment echosounder from Rostock 
University (see
contribution 4). Investigations by divers were also carried out.

Sidescan is regarded as promising for locating wrecks in deeper 
waters, but
penetrating echosounders will be more important for locating 
related to 'fossil' coastlines.

16. Discussion

The discussion demonstrated that there was great interest in having 
access to
modern survey equipment. Part of the discussion focused on prices and 
how to
reduce costs. It was suggested that a group should be formed to 
testing of equipment, and this was positively supported by the 
meeting. It
was also proposed that there should be exchange of equipment
between the institutions involved in underwater archaeology, together 
communication of experiences and results. The idea of further one-
meetings was also positively supported.

Ole Gron, Research Associate
Centre for Maritime Archaeology
National Museum of Denmark
Havnevej 7, 4000 Roskilde

phone: +45 4632 1600
fax:   +45 4632 2477
e-mail: nmf-og@sk*.na*.mi*.dk*

home phone/fax: +45 6221 4046
home e-mail: ccc7644@vi*.cy*.dk*

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