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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 04:35:17 -0800
Subject: Doing it wrong - butt lights
To: cavers@ge*.co*,
Cc: iantdhq@ga*.ne*

     Tom, here are some reasons NOT to use the butt lights:

1) The use of a double attachment point on the bottom of the tanks which
   necessitates the addition of two hose clamps and d-rings to the tanks -
   more goofery to hang up, make it difficult to sit with the tanks, get 
   tangled in lines and snags where you can not see them or get to them, 
   and is obviously just plain dangerous and a convoluted effort to sell 
   a totally useless piece of shit light by dive rite, and a good way to
   damage a proper light.

2) You will have trouble accessing the switch to the light, especially if
   you are using an argon bottle, or stage diving, and that twist on 
   handle is nonsense and one more thing to fail and be dangerous.

3)  The switch and cord are subjected to damage by being pointed outward,
    and convoluting the cord or through-hull arrangement is another concession  
    to inanity.

4) The cord must be much longer to make it to your hand, which is obviously 
   an unneccessary accomondation to convolution, and will be one more 
   snagging problem.

5) The light now lays over your legs, a problem with 104's, and a danger 
   with the big 121's. 

6) Now you have lost a good place to tow your second scooter, to place you 
   exploration reel, and to tow your buddy from.

7) Butt-mounting yor light is like wearing a sign on your back saying,
   " I have given little or no thought to this activity or to safety, 
     do not violate rule number one by diving with me".

  Now, give me the next piece of abject goofery to discuss. - G


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