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Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 08:58:51 -0500 (EST)
From: Roger Herring <afn03632@af*.or*>
To: jason <rchrds@ho*.Co*.ED*>
cc: techdiver <>, Cave List <cavers@co*.ci*.uf*.ed*>
Subject: Re: Still waiting for why the short hose is better..

> >distance between two points (mouths) can 
> >be covered much quicker by a ***SHORT*** hose. If you're using a **LONG**
> >hose, it stands to reason it will take a **LONGER** time to traverse this 
> >distance. 
> Yea, if you're throwing it! You think you're going to move you're arm or his
> face
> any faster with a different hose length?
> send me the 104's instead, I'll send him my alu 100's.

This was a joke. Geez!

Roger Herring

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