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Date: 06 Jan 96 13:27:02 EST
From: Michael Doelle <100666.3700@co*.co*>
To: "\"George M. Irvine III\"" <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Cc: techdiver <>
Subject: Re: LONG HOSE 2
George Irvine wrote:

>>     One thing about that hose - it floats, so you really don't
need to do anything special with it when you are not wearing a
light, as in summer Ft Lauderdale diving. In this case it can 
go under the knife, which is on the belt , or just have a little 
of the hose tucked into the belt, if it is bothering you when 
you are upright in the water .<<

Ever since our recent cave course my partner and I always breathe the (7 ft)
long hose, i.e. also on regular open water dives. George once told me he used
the 7 ft for dives with a planned penetration and a normal octo hose for open
water. Is there any reason why  breathing the 7 ft might not always be a good

md, munich

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