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Date: Mon, 1 Jan 1996 18:44:47 -1000 (HST)
From: Richard Pyle <deepreef@bi*.bi*.Ha*.Or*>
To: Dennis Pierce <epic@so*.ha*.ed*>
Subject: Re: Stokery on CompuServe
> but there is also implied responsibilities...  those that go along with
> postions of authority or reverence...

I remember our conversation in Key West.  I still disagree with you. One
hundred percent of the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the divers
themselves.  No matter what George thinks, he is NOT responsible for a
single person who goes in the water under his leadership.  You don't go in
the water unless you accept full responsibility to whatever happens while
you're underwater.  Gilliam and Odem and others are NOT responsible for
the actions of yahoos who try to emulate them.  I'd even go so far to say
they are NOT responsible for their own students.  Diving skills cannot be
taught, they can only be learned.  Therefore, full responsibility comes
back to the bozo who somehow thinks a terrestrial mammal has any business
going underwater.  Life is not fair. When people accept that, we can all
stop whining. 

On a brighter note....what is your schedule like this week?  Jeff 
Bozanic is staying at my house, and I'd like to have a barbecue - invite 
Chip, Rooney, Pence, and anyone else you can think of who'd like to come 

See ya,


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