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Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 16:44:16 -0800
From: "George M. Irvine III" <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: Your opinion, Not Fact was FACT, NOT OPINION
To: "John T. Crea" <johncrea@in*.co*>

On Wed, 27 Dec 95, "John T. Crea" <johncrea@in*.co*> wrote:
>Why not get your facts RIGHT????  John Comly is not on the board of
>directors of TDI, has not been on the Board of Directors of TDI since

>By the way, have you ever seen John Comly sign his posts as a Director of
>TDI???  Have you ever seen him mention in his posts that he was a director??
>Of course not, but you - in your infinite wisdom - continue to blast Comly
>on his "postition" on the board of directors of TDI, even when John Comly
>has corrected you.
          John, I never mentioned Comly or TDI in those posts - you must 
          be watching reruns. If you would like me to supervise both of you,
          I will, but you can not expect me to hunt you down in every
          obscure list to see what kind of pontification you are engaging
          in with an audience of novatos. If you want to take your chances
          with a tougher crowd, try it on here . I will stay out of it and
          just watch - you will be machine gunned all around.

          As long as you are being unpleasant, I will ask that you quit 
          misrepresenting yourself, and that your boy Comly quit                
     recommending things that are inane and , in my opinion, 
          extremely dangerous. If you want to pursue that with me,
          then bring it on. The fact is you will not even attempt to 
          argue something like this with me, but you will send little
          quips like this nonsense above. You know you are dead wrong 
          on these subjects, but on the subject of attacking me, at
          least you expect to get some sympathy. Good luck - I don't
          I am tired of you guys dressing up like divers and talking
          trash. If I am so wrong, then state your case as to why, or
          quit putting out bull, which I will rebut whenever I see it
          where I feel that an uninitiated audeince is being duped.
          You two are your own worst enemies - everytime you spout
          off it is like you are making a joke, but leaving out the 
          punchline.  "Take Care" - G

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