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Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 05:37:25 -0800
From: "George M. Irvine III" <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: New Videos
To: cavers@co*.ci*.uf*.ed*,

  Fore some reason, Harris Martin is not the only on who
has trouble emailling me at Interserv (Spry Seattle). The
address is gmiiii@in*.co*  g m i i i i   FOUR i's,
meaning GMI the 3rd. If you don't get enough I's, it goes
to my father. If you look it up on Compuserve or Interserv,
you will get my father's address as well. While he can
respond to all of your stuff quite well, he has no videos,
and less time to talk, but is more nasty. He got ten pages 
of hate mail from the weenies on Compuserve, which  he was
as amused by as I was.

  However, if you want the vids, email me. If you just want
to take a beating, either adress will get you one. If you 
want a real bad ass, email my brother, if you just want humor,
my kids are pretty funny on here. I tought them to dive - 
gave them  scooters and rule number one - they are on AOL. -G

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