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From: "Erez Boym" <DP18382@el*.co*.il*>
Organization: ELBIT
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 12:15:41
Subject: Re: computer says BAT !
Hi !
Xavier Merlin  wrote :
>   last saturday i noticed my SUUNTO solution said BAT ( meaning battery low ).
>   I bought it at around april 1995 and the battery should last 2000 hours.
>   The computer did function though.
>   Normally when you get BAT you should not dive with it.
>   I did work properly so the dive went on.
>   Happily everything went as planned.
>   On sunday i checked it again at home . This time at room temperature (18
celsius) instead of the 8 > > >   degrees celsius of saturday.
>   I did not get BAT anymore.
>   It seems this phenomenom is temperature related and this would seem logical
>   as a battery is a chemical thing.
>   Is my assumption correct and should i not replace the BAT ? 

As you said a battery is based on chemical reaction, there for the amount of 
energy you can get out of it depends on :
	Temperature - Low temp. reduce chemical reaction.

So, you can get a out of battery warning if you cool the battery and it can 
disappear if the battery is warmed up.

There is another effect to consider.
In some kinds of battery there is a "recharge" effect when you take the load of 
it. so you can get a `out of battery' message and after letting the battery
for some time the battery warning disappear.
don't kid yourself  the warning will pop out again but you'll have a some short 
additional time.

In both cases it means that the battery is close to the end of it's life span
you should change it.



 Erez Boym                                                 o
 CMas DM, Deep Air,MIX Gas      * Welcome to the      *   oO
 26 Pinsker St', Haifa, Israel  * religion of diving *  OOo
 EMail - dp18382@el*.co*.il*                       _____ o
 Tel   - 972 4 316610                             (_/-\_)
         972 4 222044

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