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From: <marketing@be*.co*>
To: highspro@dx*.ce*.ch*
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 00 16:41:57 EST
Subject: Lose 2-14 Inches in ONE hour! Guaranteed!
Dear Friend,

Did you know that there's a way to lose 2 to 14 inches of
fat PERMANENTLY and SAFELY in only 1 HOUR?! . . .
100% Guaranteed!
Did you know that this has been PROVEN?!
Did you know that Men AND Women have been spending
$75-150 to have a salon provide this service for them?!
Did you know that you can now lose 2 to 14 inches of fat in
ONE HOUR, PERMANENTLY and SAFELY, in the privacy
and comfort of your own home -- for UNDER $20 ?!
I know it sounds unbelievable, but it's true!!  With an
mineral body wrap, you can PERMANENTLY and SAFELY
lose 2 to 14 inches of fat in ONE HOUR!
I did -- and so can YOU!
Get details NOW about our proven body wrap
by sending your FULL name, Email address, and a written 
request for more information to:

     (for removal instructions, please see below)
And you will receive information via email within 24 to 48 hours!
You will also receive information about a Special Offer, so
be sure to check your email box!
IMPORTANT:  For verification purposes, you MUST 
provide your FULL name and type out a request for 
more information or no further information will be sent
to you.  Your written request could be something as 
simple as writing "Please send Bodywrap Report."
What are you waiting for?  You have nothing to lose except
fat!!  Get details NOW about our PROVEN body wrap
by sending your FULL name, email address, and a written 
request for more information to:


For Removal mailto:nobody888@n2*.co*?subject=trash

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