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Mailing List: techdiver

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From: <mrlungs@to*.co*>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 08:26:24 -0500
Subject: Enough is Enough!!!!
Mark (Fuck Head) Wenzel.

	Why must you be such a DICK HEAD.  Only a jack ass fuck face would cross post
a pice of shit mailing list such as yours in to a very good, informative
mailing list such as techdiver!!!!

	What is it, no one will join your bullshit list, so you have to cross it over
to techdiver to get some response??  

	Get a Fucking Life, You low life, foreskin licking, ball sweat licking,
non-diving, pud fucker!

	Lets see what your ISP will think about you receving over 4 gigs of mail



   <<.  .>


</underline>aka Mr Lungs ----- Orange City, Fl

CRTT, PADI Divemaster

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